Guide to request self-ban from the game

The self-ban is a mechanism by which we register with the RGIAJ in order not to be able to access any bookmaker, casino or online gaming operator. Registration can be reversed only after 6 months.
Brian Dekker
Brian Dekker betting expert

One of the requirements of any online gambling operator, whether it be a betting house, casino, bingo or poker room, is to include the self-exclusion or self-prohibition icon. It is a red circle with an open hand in white, in a "stop" position. Self-prohibition in gaming rooms consists of registering to not be able to access online gaming operators that require registration. In a way, it is equivalent to self-denunciation in the game since it is a voluntary step although in certain cases registration can be ordered by a court.

What is self ban?

If you have a problem with gambling, you can register with the AGCO. It is a register for self-exclusion in gaming halls that require prior registration to play, which includes different operators that act legally in Philippines. Anyone can request their inclusion in the RGIAJ, which will prevent them from accessing pages of online gambling operators.

It is worth noting that we can register in this registry both for online operators, for which we will need our ID or NIE, and for physical establishments, for which a passport is sufficient. When registering at an online gaming site, we need our ID or NIE, we cannot do it with a passport, hence why you cannot sign up for AGCO with just your passport. There is a national registry, which applies to all of Philippines, and an autonomous one where self-exclusion only has an effect in the communities where the player is registered.

How to apply for self-ban?

By clicking on the Self-Exclusion icon in any bookmaker or online casino, we are taken directly to the section on Self-Exclusion from the AGCO, although we can also access the self-exclusion register from the Gambling Regulation website itself. From there, they indicate the three ways to register:

  • Online: if you have an electronic certificate, the easiest and fastest way to submit your registration is through the DGOJ's electronic headquarters.
  • On-site registration: we download the RGIAJ form and fill it in before presenting it in the electronic registers of the AAPP, Correos or registration offices. The application must show the date of receipt of the request.
  • Mobile app for autoprohibited DNIe: we can also register with the mobile app for autoprohibited DNIe, available on Android but not on iOS. You will need a DNIe 3.0 and NFC connection on your device.

Through the electronic headquarters of the AGCOwe can request a certificate of status in the Register of Prohibitions on Access to Games. If you have a digital certificate, you will receive it immediately and you can print it after submitting the request; if not, you will have to print the request and present it at a registration office.

How to remove self-exclusion from the game?

Self-exclusion is a permanent measure, but after 6 months we can request to remove the self-exclusion from the list of banned players through the same channels, thus allowing access to online casinos and betting sites. While the self-exclusion is in effect, the player cannot enter pages that require identification for gambling. If the registration only affects online gambling, the player can still gamble in physical locations and vice versa, but have difficulty collecting certain prizes.

Where to ask for help in case of problems?

Remember that self-exclusion alone does not solve gambling problems, but it does aid in treatment and can prevent relapses. If you have a gambling problem, you can contact associations such as the Federation of Rehabilitated Gamblers, which offers free help and therapy at 900 200 225. If you come across an operator that does not comply with self-exclusion, you can report the gaming hall, casino, or betting house to the AGCO.

From, we encourage and support adopting a responsible gambling lifestyle. The game can lead to addiction, so please play responsibly.

Brian Dekker
Brian Dekker

Journalist, blogger, sports enthusiast, and athlete in my free time. I must complain of the cards being shuffled wrong until I get a good hand (Jonathan Swift).

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